child sitting at table with other children, raising hand

To lawmakers, Florida's first all-charter school district is ‘a success story’ worth replicating. Chronic discipline challenges complicate that narrative.

lawmakers behind desk and microphone

‘It’s totally obliterated local rule’: How a troubled, segregated district lost its public schools.

woman sitting behind desk covered in papers, holding glasses

Unelected state education officials directed Jefferson County’s private takeover. The sidelined superintendent says they ‘played in places they shouldn’t have.’

man behind podium, dressed in suit

A South Florida charter school network now runs a small district 500 miles away. Legislators with close financial ties to charters helped make that happen.

teacher pointing to smart board in classroom

Lawmakers argue: Money isn’t the answer to failing schools. In Jefferson County, extra millions made a difference.

teacher pointing to projector on wall of classroom of young children

What is Somerset? A look at the South Florida charter school network leading Florida’s first school-district takeover.

child playing with bubbles

Charter ‘schools of hope’ get extra funding and special treatment. They’ll soon enroll thousands of students throughout Florida.

graphical representation of how charters are connected in florida

See the connections among the characters and institutions that made the Jefferson County charter district happen.