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Episode Details: Jump!/Slow Down for Sloths

Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!

Jump!/Slow Down for Sloths

Episode #115

Summary: Jump! - Nick and Sally can't jump high enough to get their balloon that is stuck up in a tree. Good thing The Cat knows some of the best jumpers ever! Off they go to Jumpalaroo to learn how to jump from nature's masters: grasshoppers, a kangaroo, and even a flea! Slow Down for Sloths - Nick and Sally are trying to draw a picture of a butterfly but can't get close enough to see it. Cat takes them to meet Onslow the Sloth, who teaches the kids that when you slow down, the world comes to you. After lots of practice (and a race to see who's the slowest!), Nick and Sally are now able to get closer to the butterfly and finish their picture!

Full Length: 29 minutes

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