Children’s Home Society launches a teddy bear drive to help comfort kiddo clients


    The Children’s Home Society of Florida has launched a teddy bear drive to help its young clients. The campaign hopes to collect 500 stuffed animals during the month of June.

    The Society’s Vice President of Government Relations Summer Pfeiffer said cuddly toys can be crucial to the process of helping the organization’s little clients.

    “Whether they’re going through our children’s advocacy center, being assessed or interviewed for potential child abuse or neglect issues, that teddy bear can really be that comfort that they need.”

    Pfeiffer said the teddy bear drive idea came to her during her own recent birthday celebration.

    “And I reached out to my family and friends and said, ‘Hey, guys, I love the gifts. But in lieu of gifts, could you bring some teddy bears or stuffed animals?’ So I got 25.”

    Now Pfeiffer hopes to get about 20 times that number in the course of this month. The Children’s Home Society of Florida also uses stuffed animals to promote trust and bonding in children with developmental delays who are being helped through the Early Steps program.