KCCI Art Of The Box Project Expands, Needs More Artists

    A person holding a sign

    A campaign to replace graffiti on Tallahassee’s traffic control boxes with fine art is expanding. The Knight Creative Communities Institute (KCCI) project is now shopping for more artists.

    Shannon Colavecchio is a member of the KCCI Catalyst Class that came up with the “Art of the Box” idea. When it kicked off last year, she said just a few boxes were decorated.

    “We just had the 9th box installed near the LeMoyne Center for the Arts. We have a 10th box we’re just about to celebrate at the intersection near the Maclay School, so we have a lot of momentum going and are looking forward to seeing this grow in the community.”

    That growth will mean a lot more boxes to decorate around town and the need for more artists to decorate them.

    “We are essentially just calling for all local artists in the community to submit their artwork and we’ll then select 4 of those.”