A referral and clearinghouse resource for Floridians with disabilities opens a new Tallahassee headq


    An organization that connects thousands of Floridians who have disabilities to the services they need has a new Tallahassee headquarters. The Family Cafe held a Thursday, Dec. 12 open house at its new offices on Park Avenue in a house that once belonged to Governor LeRoy Collins. Family Cafe Vice President Jeremy Countryman said the agency holds a massive disability services showcase every June in Orlando.

    “We find as many resources as we can, bring them together into one location with the individuals with disabilities and their families who are looking for the information they need to thrive in the community. And we let people self-select what’s relevant to them. Not just what’s out there in terms of services, but how to navigate the experience as a person with a disability or a family member that’s new to that universe.”

    Last year, more than 15,000 people attended the Orlando Family Cafe conference.

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