Five years after Hurricane Michael: Bay County officials host commemoration events

    A group of people standing outside of a building

    The category-five storm hit Florida’s Panhandle back in 2018 causing widespread devastation.

    Local disaster recovery organization Rebuild Bay County, kicked off its community commemoration events last Friday with an art show and will continue through Oct. 19th.

    Donna Pilson, the organization’s executive director, said that she hopes the community will have a chance to look towards the future rather than dwell on the past.

    “We don’t want to spend too much time talking about the devastation,” said Pilson. “This is about the recovery and the things that we are doing. That’s what being resilient is about.”

    The organization will continue its event with a community dinner and a recognition event; before wrapping things up with an informative interactive exhibit at the county library. That event will include a children’s learning center and a real-life hurricane simulator for every person to try.

    More information about each event can be found on or by calling their main line 850-215-8702.