Now in its 26th year, Tallahassee’s Project Annie makes Thanksgiving dinner for the multitudes

    A person preparing food in a kitchen

    It’s been 26 years since Annie Johnson launched a Thanksgiving dinner in Tallahassee’s Frenchtown neighborhood. It’s called Project Annie, and all are welcome. Johnson says last year the feast drew 2,000 people.

    Project Annie happens in a small building on West 4th Avenue. It’s not big enough for the cooking and certainly not for the eating — that will take place in tents outside.

    “I asked the Lord for this building, and he told me to wait,” Johnson says. “But what I wanted it for was a dance club. So, when He let me have the building, He told me, ‘I want you to feed my peoples.’ And that’s how I got into feeding the people.”

    The donations are committed, from big companies to individuals. She’s got enough volunteers. She’s been at this a long time.

    “I don’t want to stop,” she laughs. “I have peoples that helps me. [WFSU: A LOT of people.] Yes. Yes. Yes.”

    Johnson has a list of what’s still needed: mashed potatoes, grated cheese, fresh tomatoes, onions, lettuce, eggs, canned soda and aluminum pans. She has no doubt it will all arrive.


    11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 28

    625 W. 4th Avenue

    (850) 222-6133

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