Springtime Tallahassee celebrates its 55th year

    A group of people walking down the street

    The 55th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Festival was back over the weekend, following last year’s rain-out. The event included the traditional parade, Jubilee in the Park, and a Friday night concert.

    Saturday’s parade had more than 100 units rolling along Monroe Street, much to the delight of everyone. Especially longtime Springtime Tallahassee organizer Jack Diestelhorst.

    “This year, we didn’t get rained out. It’s wonderful!” he exclaimed as colorful floats made their way along the route.

    It contrasted pleasantly with last year when a daylong deluge brought the festivities to a soggy halt. And Diestelhorst had props for the more than 200 volunteers who made it all happen.

    “We have 1 paid person the rest of us are volunteers. We all put on this amazing festival!”

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    At the same time, he thanked the City of Tallahassee for infrastructure and traffic control support. This year’s festival got underway with a Friday evening musical performance, a pre-parade foot race, and post parade Jubilee in the Park with dozens of commercial and non-profit vendor booths.