The Knight Creative Communities Institute has a new project in the works for early fall. Its objective is to bring beauty to some of Tallahassee’s busiest intersections.
Most of those intersections have large, clunky, grey metal boxes that hold traffic signal electronics. But K-C-C-I Executive Director Betsy Couch has a plan.
“And we will be transforming traffic control boxes into works of art,” she announced.
The competition for the artists to do that work is wide open.
“We are asking residents to submit any of their artwork through a very simple application and we’ll pick a few that will get placed all throughout Tallahassee.”
Couch said entry info and everything else is online.
“The mission parameters and link to upload their artwork, all of that is right there on the ‘Art of the Box’ web page.”
Deadline for entries is August 3rd.