For the past decade, Tallahassee’s Oasis Center for Women and Girls has hosted a yearly recognition of outstanding women. But a new kind of celebration will take its place this Friday evening. Oasis Board Member and Event Co-Chair Audrey Goff said the name of the occasion is “Lunafest.”
“Lunafest, which is a fund-raising film festival dedicated to championing women film makers and bringing people together in their community, is coming to Tallahassee this Friday, October 7th.”
Goff said there will be a total of 8 short films, by and for women screened over an hour-and-a-half in the Challenger Learning Center’s IMAX Theater starting at 6 this Friday evening.
“All proceeds from Lunafest will benefit the Oasis Center for Women and Girls. The funds will be used to help provide additional girls’ circles, single moms’ support groups, womens’ circles, and many other resources offered by the center.”
Goff said the cinematic stories all champion women, highlighting their aspirations, accomplishments, resiliance, strength and connection.