This year’s Chain of Parks Art Festival will include folk art and artists

    A close up of a school

    The Twenty-Fourth LeMoyne Chain of Parks Art Festival, happening in late April, is adding some new attractions to what is already a very popular event.

    Now, Festival Chair Kelly Dozier said, for the first time ever, the Chain of Parks Festival will feature an extensive collection of the area’s folk art.

    “It’s always been a grass roots movement. Folk art comes from the people and it’s folks that feel the artistic challenge and step in and start creating. And they communicate their lives through their art.”

    Festival Manager Powell Kreis said the region has long had a vibrant folk art tradition, especially in the African-American community.

    “We are a fine art festival, but we really want to pay respects to that wonderful art form itself. So we’re working with the Riley Center and Museum and LeMoyne’s gallery to do a whole folk art celebration. So there will be two exhibits and then we’ll also have a row of folks artists at the festival this year, which I think is going to be great!”

    Tallahassee folk artists of note include Mary Proctor, whose creations have attracted national attention. the festival itself. The Chain of Parks Art Festival happens April 20th and 21st in downtown Tallahassee.


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