Try Transit Tuesday is coming from Tallahassee’s StarMetro

    A colorful bus parked on the side of a road

    October 25 is “Try Transit Tuesday.” The City of Tallahassee’s StarMetro buses will offer free rides. StarMetro staff will also provide information and giveaways at C.K. Steele Plaza downtown.

    The goal is to encourage residents to use public transportation instead of driving a car. Riders have free Wi-Fi access on all buses and at C.K. Steele Plaza.

    The free rides coincide with Mobility Week, sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation. It’s held every October to promote awareness of safe, multimodal transportation choices.

    StarMetro provides nearly 3.1 million trips a year to locations throughout Tallahassee. More information is available on the StarMetro website, as well as Twitter and Facebook, or by calling 850-891-5200.

    Additional information from StarMetro:
    As part of the City of Tallahassee’s Clean Energy Resolution to achieve 100 percent net clean, renewable energy, StarMetro operates 19 all-electric buses that provide reliable transportation while reducing the City’s greenhouse gas emissions.
    Committed to sustainability in transportation operations, the City is shifting all StarMetro fixed-route buses to electric while raising awareness of the economic and environmental benefits public transit provides to individuals and communities.
    According to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), individuals in a two-person household can save on average more than $10,000 annually by downsizing to one car and using public transit. Additionally, economic impact studies by APTA have shown a public investment in transit can yield a 4 to 1 economic return.
    The association also notes that traveling by public transportation produces less pollution than comparable travel in private vehicles, making it a good economic and environmental choice.