Village Square of Tallahassee launches pluralism initiative

    political parties
    political parties

    The Village Square describes itself as a “nervy bunch of liberals and conservatives who believe that disagreement and dialogue make for a good conversation, a good country and a good time.” Now they’re launching a new project about why everyone should join a club — and why the fate of American democracy depends on it.

    The Village Square was founded in Tallahassee in 2006 to build civic trust. Now, says founder and CEO Liz Joyner, it’s one of 32 grantees nationwide funded by New Pluralists, a group committed to doing this. Over the next two years, The Village Square will offer opportunities to start or join small groups around shared interests or common concerns, along with larger town-hall-style actions.

    “And to be responsible, we have to get back to gathering with people who don’t look or think like us,” Joyner says. “There is no shortcut. If we’re going to do it, if we’re going to stay free and stay a healthy democracy, we’ve got to open our doors to people who aren’t like us.”

    Joyner says The Village Square has watched the disintegration of civic respect …

    “…at the same time as we see how relatively easy it is to recapture it if you know people inside of your community. So, really, this project is all about deepening that opportunity.” 

    That’s why they’ll launch a free screening of the film “Join or Die” on August 25th at 6:45 p.m. at the Challenger Learning Center IMAX Theater. The film follows Harvard University’s Robert Putnam, who wrote about the decline of civic relationships in his book “Bowling Alone.”


    “Healing Starts Here” will launch on Friday, August 25 at 6:45 p.m. with a free screening of the film “Join or Die.” The lighthearted, inspiring film follows the insights of living legend Harvard University’s Dr. Robert D. Putnam in his iconic book “Bowling Alone.” Dr. Putnam and “The Upswing” co-author Shaylyn Romney Garrett will join The Village Square and Florida Humanities for a special digital program on October 5th at 7 p.m. To learn more and register for the screening, visit