The weekend showers didn’t wash out the LeMoyne Chain of Parks Art Festival in downtown Tallahassee. Both art lovers and artists were just happy to see each other.
For St. Lucie, Florida’s water color master Gustavo Castillo, the Festival was a showcase for images recalled from his youth.
“I am going back to early emotions. Those early emotions include the scenes that I saw in Colombia as a child or young man.”
For Tallahassee jewelry artist Quincie Hamby, it was a chance to interact in person with a lot of people after a year in near isolation.
“I’m working at home and doing little pop-up shows at my house and trying to figure out the Internet, which is not a piece-of-cake. So I’m happy.”
Also happy was Festival Chair, Kelly Dozier.
“I’m thrilled! We’ve got a nice, controllable crowd of people wearing masks and we’re all safe and having a wonderful time. And people are buying art, the artists are happy, the music is fantastic. It’s just been wonderful.”
Especially wonderful after last year’s suspension due to the pandemic.