Originally Published February 21, 2024
The story of TC Bakery is more than just a tasty tale of cakes and muffins found at locations all around Tallahassee. It’s about the owner and head baker, Jennifer Young. With support from her family and the desire to create delicious food, Young battled through postpartum depression to build a business that not only has treats flying off the shelves but also flying around the country.
She’s been called the Cake Lady and Miss TC. but her real name is Jennifer Young. Young is the owner and Chief Baking Officer of TC Bakery. She says the name of the business originated with her sister.
“So in the beginning I was telling my sister that I needed a catchy name and she was like ‘Oh you tailored the confections to their tastebuds.’ And I was like, “Okay, girl!” grins Young. She started calling it Tailored Confections, but as the business grew, she shortened it to TC Bakery. “Now I’m known as Miss TC which has nothing to do with my name,” laughs Young.
A Labor of Love
Creating the bakery has been a labor of love for Young. In fact, it grew out of her own labor pains. Young has 4 children and the youngest are beautiful twin girls. Young says after the twins were born she went through a horrible battle with postpartum depression. She said it was then she decided to start baking to help her deal with the pressures of life at work and home. “I’m like, ‘okay, I need something just for me’ and so baking was that for me.”

It started as a side hustle, but soon, Young quit her job as a grant manager for the State of Florida. She said she started having trouble concentrating at work. “I can’t think of anything else but cake. I can’t go anywhere in the state because they’re like, ‘You’re the cake lady!’ Everyone was talking about cake.”

Word of Mouth builds TC Bakery
TC Bakery grew quickly. Southwood Sweets, then Red Eye Coffee, and then Smoothie Time began calling Young to stock her confections at their businesses. But Young hit the big time when the Tallahassee International Airport contacted her. Young says as soon as she walked into the airport, someone spotted her TC Bakery shirt. Young recalls the moment excitedly, “And they’re like “You coming in here? I’m like, ‘Yeah!’”
Young’s bakery became the first black woman-owned business at the Tallahassee airport. People now pick up her cakes once they get through security and take them as they fly off all around the country. “Now I have people in Ohio and Charlotte and these different areas around the country saying ‘Hey, I’ve had your product and I got it from Tallahassee Airport.’ That has catapulted the business to another level,” says an amazed Young.
Young says she’s surprised at the success, but says her family always believed in her, especially her late father. “He would speak things into me when I didn’t even believe in myself.” She says an hour before he died, he told her “Baby, you’re going to be a household name.’”
He was right.
Check out the full video at the top of the page to hear more of Jennifer Young’s amazing story and how her father influenced her life.
Producer’s Inside Look

by Freddie Hall
Jennifer has muffins, cakes, pies, and more that have put smiles on the faces of many people in this region. To us, it’s hard work and a job, but to her it’s family and passion!
I feel that TC Bakery has one of the sweetest and most wonderful stories coming out of Tallahassee lately. Jennifer Young has been gracing this city with her baked goods for years. As the video and article show you, she has come through so many challenges in her childhood and young adult years, but she always has pushed through to make this vision happen. Jennifer also became the first Black woman-owned business in the Tallahassee International Airport. A feat like that is something she didn’t even try to achieve, it happened because she initially wanted to create something special for herself and now wants to create something special for others. This business is something she holds near and dear, and it has deep roots in her family.