Learn about the many Florida native plants you can include to create a bee habitat in your yard.
Learn how one teenager, Sydnee Mines, spent her summer vacation learning about internships, careers, and job skills while doing a TFLA internship at WFSU.
Scott Davis oversees the Monarch Milkweed Initiative at the Refuge. He shows us where Florida's native milkweed species grow. In the Refuge greenhouse, we watch as volunteers plant seeds from a dry, uplands, fire dependent milkweed- Asclepias...
In this Local Routes segment, the historic St. Marks Lighthouse is lit for the first time by a lens in six years. Supervisory Refuge Ranger Robin Will discusses its history, and Nick Carlson makes a day trip down to...
Snowy plovers are a threatened species for one simple reason: humans love beaches. They lost significant habitat as coasts filled with hotels, condos, and restaurants. North Florida, however, has large tracts of protected coastline, which is why plovers have...
In Late July, volunteer researchers spread out over Tallahassee to see how many of each butterfly species they could find. It's part of a yearly event for the North American Butterfly Association, who uses data from locations across...
We learn about a new program by the City of Panama City to help in clean up following Hurricane Michael. Based on the Adopt-a-Highway model, individuals or groups can pick a section of the city to clean up. The...
It’s another boiling-hot Friday in the Florida panhandle. Driving into downtown Blountstown there’s a big blue tarp covering the roof of the historic county courthouse building that is supposed to house the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department. That blue tarp is coming...
A farm called "Smarter by Nature" in Quincy, Florida is the location for this story. WFSU's Rob Diaz de Villegas show us how Angelique Taylor and David "Kip" Ritchey founded a rural farming business in order to...
Patrick McKinney, Isabella Folmar, Sean Gorman and Miles Bozeman of the local music group, Langtry, perform the song “Little Bird” at the WFSU Television Studios.
