Betty Proctor has turned her Obsessions Gift Shop into a place where art gets a different type of spin.
You can see the PBS American Masters documentary: Oliver Sacks: His Own Life on WFSU Friday, April 9th at 10pm ET.
StoryCorps will be here in Tallahassee starting Nov. 18, 2021 for five weeks to record conversations with our community. They'll be headquartered at the LeRoy Collins Leon County Library. We explore how work, how COVID has changed their process,...
At 8:30 in the morning, I walk into the Tallahassee Museum, humidity clinging to my t-shirt, the thermostat already rising. A half-hour before the museum opens, I gather with my team from WFSU, Suzie Buzzo, an animal curator at...
Heading out on an Ecoadventure “Whoa, Mr. Rob!” shouts Olivia, “there are some of those carnivorous plants!” Upon closer inspection, the reddish splotches by our feet are sticky little pink sundews. It’s the kind of moist area plant you might...
A Musical Memory Lane When I was a kid, my school had a special assembly for my entire 4th grade. About 100 of us sat on the carpet in the atrium that also served as a multipurpose/performance area and...
It took the death of an oak for me to start raising gulf fritillaries. My yard is small and much of it is paved, so I have limited garden space. I had been wanting to plant passionvine, but heard...
The first time I meet Chris Omni, we take off our shoes and walk barefoot in Governor’s Park. It’s an exercise in mindfulness in nature. Without shoes, we walk more slowly and take in our surroundings. We feel the...
Video by Alex Campbell and Freddie Hall Expanding the Spotlight Those familiar with our digital Spotlight music series on WFSU’s YouTube channel know that we recently featured our first non-music artist: Muralist Matthew “briteso” Forrest.  Forrest has been doing graphic design...
When WFSU first took part in the American Graduate Initiative, it focused on encouraging students to get their high school diploma. Today that mission has expanded and is incorporating the world of social media to helps students explore the...
