Originally Published March 10, 2023 “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” ...
Mike Plummer is one of our Local Routes producers. One of his hallmarks is that his stories stem from his own curiosity about something. Something curious, unexpected or out of the ordinary makes him wonder if there's a story behind...
We join families as they visit their adopted wetlands to collect data for citizen science projects.
We talk with Cody Diffiefenthaler with the Florida Center for Interactive Media about how found his career as a Application Developer.
A Musical Memory Lane When I was a kid, my school had a special assembly for my entire 4th grade. About 100 of us sat on the carpet in the atrium that also served as a multipurpose/performance area and...
Chris Thompson is a Muscogee shell carver. Using various marine snail and clam shells, he's preserving the heritage of his people by recording imagery of their lore and connection to nature. Some are decorative gorgets, while others...
Recent cold weather reminds us that we're in winter, but in the Red Hills of Georgia and the Apalachicola National Forest, this is the time of year when a very rare flower blooms. If you visited these areas in...
When Rob Diaz de Villegas produced his underwater archeology on the Wacissa piece, he was given one condition by researcher Morgan Smith; he couldn't use the site name. The reason? The researcher didn't want to reveal his exact location...
Join us on an adventure across the Apalachicola Lowlands, home to an incredible diversity of carnivorous plants and other wildflowers. he shoot, technically, was over. Fellow WFSU Ecology Blogger Dani Davis and I had come for frosted flatwoods salamander larvae footage, and...
