Charles Renaud visits the Monticello Karting and Motor Club in Jefferson County to find out more about kart racing. The MKMC has one of the longest tracks for kart racing in the U.S. and has been rated one...
WFSU Ecology Producer Rob Diaz de Villegas catches the sunrise with Don Morrow, a man who spends many mornings counting the shorebirds along the Gulf of Mexico. Originally Posted December 17, 2020 It’s a little after 6:00 am, and all I...
In late spring and early summer, wood storks and other wading birds head to rookeries to nest. To see one, we head into a cypress swamp owned by a married couple, who manage it as a preserve. ...
When we were shooting the video for this song, we tried to capture as much of what gives this area its character as we could. Canoeing the Wacissa, Apalachicola oysters on the half shell, finding painted rocks in...
Apprenticeship has been around the trades careers for a long time. Now the concept is coming back into vogue to train a highly technical cyber workforce. Hear from one cyber technology executive about his plans to work...

Wild Rehab Reboot!

Down in the woods of Wakulla County, several small, rundown buildings sit on six and a half acres – the home of the Florida Wild Mammal Association, which has provided a temporary home and rehabilitation services to injured animals...
“Since the earliest I can remember, which was about… I was probably about four years old, barnstormers would come around and land in farmer's fields, oat pastures and wheat fields, and haul passengers for wherever the market would go...
We travel into the Apalachicola National Forest with Bruce Means to learn more about his favorite animal, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. He has spent forty years studying the snake using radio telemetry. He has taken his decades...
Sergeant Ernest Ivy "Boots Thomas Jr., who grew up in  Monticello, Florida, was one of the men who helped raise the first American Flag at the top of Mount Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima in World War...
It took the death of an oak for me to start raising gulf fritillaries. My yard is small and much of it is paved, so I have limited garden space. I had been wanting to plant passionvine, but heard...
