February is Black History Month!
Black History Month is an annual celebration of the central role of African Americans in U.S. history, as well as a celebration of their many achievements. Below is a list of resources available on PBS LearningMedia to bring Black History Month into your classrooms!
Making Black America: Through the Grapevine
This four-part series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr. chronicles the vast networks and organizations created by and for Black people. The series explores the extraordinary world that showcased Black people’s ability to collectively prosper, defy white supremacy and define Blackness in ways that transformed America itself.
Celebrating Black History & Culture
This collection is curated to showcase Black excellence through contributions, achievements, and ideas across subjects and eras. These resources aim to inspire educators to intentionally include Black stories in all curricula and use PBS LearningMedia as a tool in doing so.
Celebrating Black History & Culture
This history series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr. digs deep into the origin story of Black spirituality through sermon and song. From the blues to hip hop, African Americans have been the driving force of sonic innovation for over a century. Musical styles come and go, but there’s one sound that has been a constant source of strength, courage and wisdom on any given Sunday.
Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise
Explore educational materials from the series Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise. Embark with professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on a deeply personal journey through the last fifty years of African American history. Travel from the victories of the Civil Rights movement up to today, asking profound questions about the state of black America—and our nation as a whole.