Media Literacy

  • people with large devices

    WFSU Public Media and WFSU PBS KIDS are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of children through curriculum-based entertainment. With resources and programming available 24/7, we leverage the full spectrum of media and technology to build knowledge, critical thinking, imagination, and curiosity. Our learning partnerships involve parents, teachers, caregivers, and informal education communities Together we help to empower children for success in school, the ‘world of work,’ and lifelong learning!

  • What Is Media?

    Media is defined as a means of communication that reaches and influences people widely. Here at WFSU Public Media, that includes

    • radio / audio on demand
    • television / video on demand
    • websites
    • apps
    • social media
    • podcasts
    • special projects

    Media Literacy is A Skillset

    Media literacy is the ability to

    • access,
    • analyze,
    • evaluate,
    • create,
    • act

    on the wide variety of ways that people communicate and share information.

    To be media literate, we need to ask questions and pay close attention to the information all around us. The National Association for Media Literacy Education suggests the following questions to ask:

    • Who made this?
    • Why was it made?
    • What is missing from this message?
    • How might different people interpret this message?
    • Who might benefit from this message?
    • Who might be harmed by this message?

    The idea of asking questions is essential to critical thinking. Teaching your children to be informed skeptics gives them the ultimate methodology to succeed in the digital world. They will learn how to analyze and evaluate the messages they are receiving. They will grow to be aware of issues like bias and credibility. They will learn empathy and compassion. They will learn to be an active participant in the world as opposed to being a passive consumer.

    The complete NAMLE guide, in multiple languages, can be accessed via their website.

    NAMLE media literacy guide cover

    Artificial Intelligence in Media

    As artificial intelligence continues to grow and become incorporated into the media and content we consume, it is important to understand AI and how it functions. Learning how AI works allows us to understands it’s strengths and weaknesses, becoming aware of its risk and tendency for biases. Learn through a brief introduction about how modern AI models are created and how they learn to create content.

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