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Episode Details: Rumbly Tumbly/Planet Name Game

Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!

Rumbly Tumbly/Planet Name Game

Episode #212

Summary: Rumbly Tumbly: Nick's hungry tummy is rumbling! But why do our stomachs make noises when they're hungry? A super shrunken trip into Thing One's stomach will show them the answer! They learn how chewing and stomach juices help to break down the food, and the tummy sounds are actually the stomach working. When your tummy is empty, the sounds are much louder! There's only one way to quiet Nick's rumbly tumbly... a chewy chocolate chunky chunk chip cookie! Planet Name Game: Nick and Sally have run out of things to name in the garden. Good thing Cat needs help putting his model of the solar system back together - they can help him name the planets! Off in the Space-a-ma-racer they go on a whirlwind trip around the universe, learning the names of the seven planets as they go.

Full Length: 29 minutes

Upcoming Broadcast Times

  • Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 6:00 AM ET / 5:00 AM CT on KIDS360