
Member Login

Log In to Manage Donations

Exisiting donors/members can log in here to manage an account. Account holders can update payment information, notify us of a change of address, download your latest tax statement, and more.

To become a member, please donate today by making a contribution online.

Note: Manage donations user information is different from WFSU PBS Passport user information. Keep reading to find out about WFSU PBS Passport and where to log in below.

Manage Donations

WFSU's donations are designated by the categories TV and FM. Please choose the account you would like to manage.

TV Member    FM Member

Log In to Watch Video via WFSU PBS Passport

Log in to view PBS video by accessing your WFSU PBS Passport account here. Or find out more information about WFSU PBS Passport and how your member donation to WFSU gives you access to countless hours of video content.

Additional Information

Are you still having trouble logging in to an account? Please reference this document for additional help with login information.