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Episode Details: Quebec City, Canada

Samantha Brown's Places to Love

Quebec City, Canada

Episode #401

Samantha Brown image

Summary: During Quebec Winter Carnival, Samantha starts her trip off ice canoeing on the frigid waters of the St. Lawrence River. From there she visits a popular Sugar Shack, where she learns about making maple syrup, and has a traditional Quebec meal with the owners. Exploring further, Samantha walks the picturesque streets of Petit Champlain, where she stops in a woodcarving shop and discusses the history of the storied neighborhood. Continuing on, Samantha meets Bonhomme, the legendary snowman "Ambassador of the Quebec Winter Carnival," and learns of the Carnival's history and importance in Canada. Samantha then visits the Hotel de Glace (Ice Hotel), a seasonal hotel built out of ice, the only one of its kind in North America. Before she heads home, she takes a thrilling toboggan run on a course built in 1884.

Full Length: 27 minutes

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