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Episode Details: Dinos A to Z, Part 3, Classification/Dinos A to Z, Part 4, A To Z Picnic

Dinosaur Train

Dinos A to Z, Part 3, Classification/Dinos A to Z, Part 4, A To Z Picnic

Episode #216

Summary: The Pteranodon family rides the Dinosaur Train - now with extra cars attached -- as it continues picking up more dinosaurs that are in the `Dinosaurs A to Z' song. The Pteranodon family reunites with some dinosaurs they've met before, and are introduced to species they've never met! The Pteranodon kids also learn about classification, and Don leads the way organizing the dinosaurs on the Train by their species, features, and size. The Pteranodon family is on the Dinosaur Train, now very crowded with all 26 dinosaurs mentioned in the `Dinosaurs A to Z' song. The Train has added more extra cars than it ever has, and there's even an additional engine to help pull the Train to Troodon Town. At Troodon Town, all the dinosaurs have fun at a picnic, and then Tiny leads the 26 different `A to Z' dinosaurs in a fun, rousing, and historic singing of the `Dinosaurs A to Z' song!

Full Length: 29 minutes

Upcoming Broadcast Times

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 6:30 AM ET / 5:30 AM CT on KIDS360