WFSQ Tallahassee and WFSL Thomasville are currently operating at reduced power during an upgrade of broadcast equipment. Work continues on WFSU-TV's broadcast equipment. Our expected full-power on air date using the new TV transmitter, line, and antenna is May 31st, 2024. We appreciate your patience during this interruption.

Episode Details: Mind to Change/Curious Minds

Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!

Mind to Change/Curious Minds

Episode #317

Summary: Sally is convinced that a tall thin glass of juice holds more than a short wide glass so Cat takes them to Point O'View where they learn that getting evidence can cause them to change their mind. Nick and Sally wonder if they can walk on a cloud, and the Cat takes them to Mount Knowmore. As they climb, they discover that materials have different properties that allow them to be solid or fluid. And when they get to the top, they have gathered enough evidence through experience of walking through the clouds to answer the original question.

Full Length: 29 minutes

Upcoming Broadcast Times

  • Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 6:00 AM ET / 5:00 AM CT on KIDS360