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Episode Details: Curiosity & Creativity

Growing Bolder

Curiosity & Creativity

Episode #701

Summary: Life is full of unseen challenges. It's how we respond that makes all the difference. George Kamper is a Miami-based lifestyle photographer who worked all over the world. When the pandemic hit, his curiosity and creativity helped his brand become even more well-known. Plus, volunteer Diana DeLano created a way to help neglected and abused horses, and it's not just the horses who are benefitting. A big part of Martha's life is traveling which, of course, went away during the pandemic. And, for more than 40 years, Rick Steves has helped millions explore Europe. He's also a bit of a philosopher. Unable to travel, he's hunkered down at his home in Seattle where we caught up with him and asked him to share some thoughts about life in general.

Full Length: 27 minutes

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