
Episode Details: True Colors


True Colors

Episode #204

Summary: Hacker becomes a good guy! Can this possibly be true? A new, reformed Hacker runs for election against Motherboard, claiming to have done five good deeds, and promising to turn over a new leaf. Can the kids find a counter example that proves Hacker is lying -- or will he be elected the new ruler of cyberspace? Guest voice: Al Roker as "Sam Vander Rom." The Big Idea: When people use words like always, never, all, or none to claim something is true, be suspicious! Such claims are often false, and you need only a single counter example to disprove them. Math Topic: Counter Examples NCTM Link: Reasoning & Proof.

Full Length: 29 minutes

Upcoming Broadcast Times

  • Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT on KIDS360
  • Friday, August 9, 2024 at 5:00 AM ET / 4:00 AM CT on KIDS360