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Centennial Bank is matching FM pre-drive donations up to a total of $2500 through Oct. 3rd.

Voices that Inspire

WFSU Public Media is launching "Voices that Inspire" and we want to hear from some of our most inspirational voices — you!

This is your chance to share your thoughts with our listening audience. Our focus is on our community. Maybe you find inspiration from your morning run, reading a great book, kayaking on the Wakulla, or a teacher that made a difference in your life.

A new two-minute spot will air each Thursday beginning at 7:31A, repeating at 2:04P, 7:04P and Saturday and Sunday at 9:38A.

To listen to the extended versions of Voices that Inspire, please visit news.wfsu.org. For more information, contact Kim Kelling at 850-645-6056 or kkelling@fsu.edu.